네팔 비자 신청 양식 및 작성 요령

2011. 11. 7. 09:24[사람과 산]/▒ 해외트레킹 ▒

PDF 파일로 첨부된 네팔 비자신청 양식을 다운로드 받아서 사진을 첨부하여 사용하시면 됩니다.




비자 신청서 작성은 아래와 같이 하면 됩니다.


The Excellency Ambassador/Consul/Consul General/Director General/
Immigration Officer.
As I have to visit or would like to visit Nepal, I request for issuance of the diplomatic /
official / tourist / entry visa My details are as follows:
1. Name, surname :  YOUNGJUN HAN
2. Nationality : KOREAN
3. Place of birth : ULSAN, KOREA 
4. Date of birth : 28 SEP 1962
5. Permanent address : ULSAN, KOREA
6. Temporary address in Nepal : 19678, Lazlmpat, kathmandu, Nepal, Korean Treks
7. Occupation : Business
8. Passport No : M70118566
9. Date of issue of passport : 10 FEB 2011
10. Date of expiry of passport : 08 APR 2020
11. Purpose of visit in Nepal : TREKKING
12. Length of stay in Nepal :  21     day/ week/ month
13. Country to be departed to : 23 OCT 2011
14. Source of expenditure to be incurred in staying in Nepal (state amount in foreign
currency) : US $500
15. Times of previous visit in Nepal : 1
16. Year and month of last visit and period of stay in Nepal: MAY 2009, 60days
17. Passport No and country (if you are holding a passport of any other country issued in your name) :
Date: - 04, OCT, 2011 
For official use only
1. Type of visa :
2. Reasons for gratis, if any:
3. Entry visa No :
4. Date of visa validity :
5. Visa issued on :
6. Visa sticker No :

Visa issuing officer
Mention code No, too
If issued at the entry poi

네팔 비자 신청 양식.pdf

* 15번과 16번 항목은 네팔 방문이 처음인 사람은 공란으로 비워두면 된다.

네팔 비자 신청 양식.pdf

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